About the Founder/CEO
Dr. James Wesson has been employed in the Criminal Justice field since 2003. He has worked with numerous agencies and has focused on enhancing Public Safety throughout his adult life. His lifelong vision and mission is to bring an approach that will foster and nurture the relationship between the Public Safety agencies and the community in which they serve. Furthermore, he has the belief that social change is needed within our Public Safety agencies, but also that same concept and change is also needed within the community.
Regardless of age, religion, ethnicity, color, economic status, we are human beings first, and we have to learn to treat each other as human beings first. Dr. Wesson has served on numerous committees that have a strong focus on enhancing Public Safety and reintegrating offenders back into society through programming. In addition, he has also focused on Public Safety service agencies and bridging the gap between the community and the Criminal Justice system. Also being an advocate for Criminal Justice reform and Social Change, he served as a member of the SACU (Sexual Assault Care Unit) for a number of years. Dr. Wesson was also a member of a multidisciplinary team that provided clinical services to sex offenders and sexual assault victims. He has a strong ability to coordinate treatment and provided clinical level services with a variety of departments and agencies. Furthermore, in his beliefs in building strong community partnerships, he has developed numerous relationships with organizations such as local courts and judges, and local Public Safety agencies as well as numerous social agencies. In 2020, Dr. Wesson was nominated and selected by the National Society of Leadership and Success for his role and leadership in being an agent for social change. He is skilled in working effectively and efficiently with citizens, community partners, treatment teams, and Public Safety Service agencies. He possesses the highest level of ethical behavior and professional standards, coupled with Executive Leadership training. He truly enjoys being a leader that believes in setting the example for our Public service employees as we attempt to enhance Public Safety through competency, advance knowledge, standards of practice and best ethical practices.
In his pursuit of excellence and his undeniable desire to increase Public Safety, Dr. Wesson has earned;
Clinically Certified as a Criminal Justice Specialist
Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist
Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor
Clinically Certified Forensic Interviewer
Clinically Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist
Complete Executive Leadership Training
Member of the National Society of Leadership & Success
Ph.D in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Law and Public Policies
Master of Science in Forensic Psychology with a specialization in Mental Health Applications
Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration with a specialization in Criminal Behavior
Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration and Executive Leadership Training
Clinically Certified Forensic Trauma Clinician
Clinically Certified Crisis Intervention Specialist